Images of the Month

Each competition month one of our members selects a digital image to be designated as Image of the Month. They will be choosing one that has a particular appeal to them, not necessarily the image that received the highest score. Each month’s image is chosen by a different member.

Image of the Month - January 2025


Photographer: Joe Mancy
Selected by: Steve Port

About my image.

Taking a camel ride through the Sahara Desert next to the Pyramids of Giza is a bucket-list experience for many. However, it can be overwhelming if you're unprepared for the aggressive camel drivers vying for your business. Fortunately, I had my Egyptian cousin with me, who found us a great deal and spared us the hassle of haggling over price.

We began our day early, arriving at the pyramids at sunrise on December 26, 2018. The crisp, clear morning air added to the atmosphere, and it was the perfect time for photography and avoiding the crowds. Our guide (pictured here), who spoke excellent English, shared details about the three iconic pyramids of Giza: Cheops, Khafre, and Menkaure.

The experience was unforgettable. I captured this photo using my Sony A7R3 with a Tamron 28-75mm lens, shot at 28mm, ISO 100, f/2.8, and 1/800 sec. - Joe

Why I liked the image.

I chose Giza Man as “Image of the Month” because it is an outstanding example of an “Environmental Portrait.” A portrait yes but much more. It shows the individual’s surroundings, a story, and is inclusive of parts of their life. This portrait does it all. – Steve

Previous Images of the Month